PEST Control Association of
Nigeria, PECAN, has said no fewer
than 3,000 Nigerians die annually
from Lassa fever. According to the association, in a
briefing in Lagos on rodent control
as a strategy to combat Lassa fever
in rural and urban environment, “this
statistics is alarming, especially when
compared with the fact that 5,000 die annually from the disease in
West Africa.” Mr. Ayo Ogunyedeka, President,
PECAN, said Lassa fever is an acute
viral infection caused by the Lassa
virus. It is caused by rats and could
be found anywhere. He said the virus was first
discovered in 1969 in the town of
Lassa in Borno State. According to him, “the virus lives in
rats and infects human beings when
they come in contact with rats
droppings, urine and food
contaminated with them, and saliva
of rodents.The rate of the sickness is... CLICK TO READ MORE
Nigeria, PECAN, has said no fewer
than 3,000 Nigerians die annually
from Lassa fever. According to the association, in a
briefing in Lagos on rodent control
as a strategy to combat Lassa fever
in rural and urban environment, “this
statistics is alarming, especially when
compared with the fact that 5,000 die annually from the disease in
West Africa.” Mr. Ayo Ogunyedeka, President,
PECAN, said Lassa fever is an acute
viral infection caused by the Lassa
virus. It is caused by rats and could
be found anywhere. He said the virus was first
discovered in 1969 in the town of
Lassa in Borno State. According to him, “the virus lives in
rats and infects human beings when
they come in contact with rats
droppings, urine and food
contaminated with them, and saliva
of rodents.The rate of the sickness is... CLICK TO READ MORE
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