BEIJING (AP) -- China may ban
Facebook, but not its co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. The young billionaire
delighted an audience of students at a prestigious Beijing university
this week with a 30-minute chat in his recently learned Mandarin
ABOUT THE BAN? He made no explicit mention of China's ban on the social
media giant, but an indirect reference to it drew laughter during the
question-and-answer session Wednesday at Tsinghua University.
Zuckerberg, whose company has long sought to enter China, noted Facebook
already helps some Chinese companies in foreign markets, citing
computer maker Lenovo's ads on Facebook in India.
of China, I have a more difficult question for Mark, which I hope will
not get me fired. What are Facebook's plans in China?" asked the forum
facilitator and Facebook employee Wei Xiaoliang, to the laughter and
applause from the audience.
are already in China," Zuckerberg said in Chinese, to more laughter.
"We help Chinese companies gain customers abroad," he said.
"We want to help the rest of the world connect to China."
WHY WAS ZUCKERBERG IN CHINA? Zuckerberg may be hoping to lay the
groundwork for an eventual entry into China, but he visited Beijing this
week as a newly appointed member of the advisory board for Tsinghua
University School of Economics and Management and met with the
university's president on Tuesday.
Both he and the
university posted clips of his Wednesday session, which was open to
questions from students for the last 8 minutes.
has been banned in China since 2009. Beijing promotes Internet use for
business and education but bans material deemed subversive and blocks
access to foreign news and social media websites that authorities
believe could stoke social unrest.
SO, HOW'S HIS CHINESE? Zuckerberg's Chinese pronunciation was far from
fluent, and some native speakers called it a "challenge" to understand.
He sometimes struggled with certain words and tones, and needed help in
understanding questions in Chinese. But he was able to express himself
well and maintain an intelligible conversation for a half hour. The
students responded with warm cheers for his effort and laughter at his
Zuckerberg married
Chinese-American Priscilla Chan in 2012, and set himself the goal of
learning Mandarin in 2010. He said Wednesday that he wanted to learn the
language partly because his wife's grandmother only speaks Chinese. He
recalled informing the grandmother of the marriage plans.
WHAT ELSE DID HE SAY? Zuckerberg said several things apparently aimed
at endearing himself to the Chinese audience. He said China is a great
country and hopes that learning the language will help him learn its
culture. "The Chinese language is difficult, and I speak English, but I
like challenges," Zuckerberg said.
asked about his favorite food, he cited "Beijing hutong snacks" sold by
street-side vendors in the capital, and Peking duck, Beijing's
signature dish of duck meat served with sauce and rolled up in a crepe.
HOW WAS HE RECEIVED? Tsinghua students gave Zuckerberg a warm
reception. On social media, many microbloggers noted the irony that
Zuckerberg's famous creation is blocked in China.
David Wang, in an interview in downtown Beijing, said he would be happy
if Facebook was allowed across the so-called Great Firewall of China.
"Because now we have to use software to jump the wall if we want to
access Facebook," he said.
Qin, a computer programmer from the eastern city of Hangzhou, said on a
microblog that she could barely understand Zuckerberg's Chinese.
was a challenge for Chinese listening comprehension. But even though
Facebook cannot enter the Chinese market, Mark is still making a
fighting effort to learn," she said. "It was quite a funny scenario."
Source: Yahoo...
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